Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Keeping it sweet and simple..


I hope your day is going great, today!  I just wanted to share a quick picture and some videos on a flat twist out I recently done.  Please, bare with me, for this is my first posting of me showing different hairstyles. But, for me, it's all about trying new things..smile.

(BTW..I have a soft-sounding voice..I hope you are able to hear me, a little. giggle)


                                                     Picture of Flat Twist-Out result  

                                            Video: "Before" Footage of  Flat Twist-Out

                                               Video: "After" Footage of Flat Twist-Out

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Peace of Mind

Today, August 28, 2013, is the five-year dating anniversary for me and my hubby! Awww..great times! We will continue to add to the memories..

I love personal reflection..

It allows me to reminisce about moments that have impacted my life. One "moment of reflection" I would like to share is how I currently live. In one word -- peaceful -- would be the description for it.

Now, it was a journey to relax in this state of mind..

Since my last post, which was January 2012, my husband and I, relocated to Texas. Leaving what I knew, enjoyed, and loved was stretch for me. It was my place of comfort. Since my husband wanted to expand his horizons, career-wise, who was I to say, "No."  I believe in him, and trust God every step of the way.

This "every step of the way" kind of trust really grew me..

Through all the adjustments -- from living in new surroundings, meeting new people, enjoying a new church environment -- I really learned a lot about myself.  I love structure, routine, and predictability. With all of the changes, I had to learn to lean and depend on God, my husband, and myself. Change can be hard..for me. But, this particular change, grew me in ways I couldn't imagine.

Looking back from then to now, I have come to a peaceful state of mind.  This, new energy I have, allows me to be grateful to change, grow, adapt, compromise, and receive the new beginnings placed before me. Now, I am blessed with new friends, journeys, and commitments that I have gratefully embraced.

It's like the seasons, which are here for a purpose. Each one brings new moments to grow, change, and enhance. Winter allows us to "rest" as we "prepare" for Spring. Spring shapes us as we "blossom" and "embrace" the climate for Summer. Summer makes room for a time for us to "explore" and "move" through life as it changes into the whispering winds of Autumn. Autumn gives moments for us to "plant" and "harvest" memories that we can enjoy for a lifetime. And before you know it, our journey revolves us to that state of "rest" in Winter.

You see.. without these types of valued changes how could any of us grow?

I have learned to welcome change throughout my life's journey (even when it was hard for me to embrace). It is what makes "my world" go 'round. Leaving me in a place of peace.

~Enjoy the Journey

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hey! It's 2012!

Happy New Year, Everyone!!  It's been a while since I was last on my blog.  I am going to do some different things for this blog this year.

I am going to simplify! I am a simple gal and I am perfectly OK with being such! So, here is the direction that  I will be going...

There will be a monthly post in which I will just share what is on my mind.  Being "in the moment" works best for me! So, what will my "moments" consist of you may be asking yourself? Well.. just what may have my attention at the time like..fashion or a craft! Say, one month of my post I may have seen something that is fashion fabulous that has caught my eye. I may be inspired to share and post an image for you guys. Or I may be in the middle of a craft project..I may send some pics to show you my progress.

Also, I will tweak the look of my blog, too.

This year let us all be in the moment and create beautiful memories!  I hope and pray that all you set out for this year to accomplish will come true for YOU!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stay Encouraged

Happy Friday, Friends!

Just wanted to share a link that will keep you encouraged as you enter the weekend!  You know how some things said or done can try and preoccupy your mind and get you off focus?

Well, one of my favorite inspiring persons, Joyce Meyer, loves to share how you can overcome the negative things thrown at you in the course of a day..

Please enjoy and be encouraged no matter what's going on...


Friday, July 22, 2011

Perfect Braid Out Look

African Export is another You Tube(r) that I would refer to when I use to wear my hair longer.  (Oh..I guess I need to share some pics of me with my TWA..giggle. I will..promise!)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Two-Strand Twist Style

Pretty Dimples from You Tube is one of my favorite persons to view when learning about the different natural styles out there!  You will be seeing a lot of clips from her..

New Discoveries!

You know..composing a blog can be very interesting.  I am finding ways to add to and display links and the other things on my blog.  BUT..I am, also, finding out that there are things I cannot do on my blog (i. e. make posts on the different pages I had created). So, with this new found knowledge ...I will have to improvise with what I can do.

As you surf through and look at links you will discover all my posts will be on the HOME page.  Possibly later, I will remove the stand-alone pages from my blog.  But, I will be able to still give you all the things I want to present, but just on one page.  As my posts continue, just refer to the archives section to find what you were reading on or viewing.

So, with that being said..let's continue with this blogging adventure!